By: Tamal Kumar Saha Posted: September 15, 2024

Transforming Waste: How Burning Tires Can Produce Valuable Commodities.

Transforming Waste: How Burning Tires Can Produce Valuable Commodities.
Waste tires are a major environmental problem, as they are non-biodegradable, bulky, and flammable. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, about 300 million tires are scrapped every year in the U.S. alone, and only about 15% of them are recycled. The rest end up in landfills, illegal dumps, or are burned for energy, which causes air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
It is estimated that around 1.0 billion scrap tires are produced every year all over the world, out of which around 150,000 tons are produced ...

By: Tamal Kumar Saha Posted: September 15, 2024

2023: Wind and Solar Take the Lead in Global Energy Growth

For the first time in history, wind and solar energy contributed more new power to the global energy mix than any other source in 2023, according to the latest Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy 2024. These renewable sources supplied 40% of the global energy increase, outpacing oil (39%) and coal (20%).
While this is a major milestone for clean energy, the year also saw record highs in coal and oil consumption, pushing global CO2 emissions to an all-time high of over 40 billion tonnes.